Happy National Pie Day!!!!!
We celebrated with a Chocolate Chess Pie. YUM!!!
What kind of pie did you and your family celebrate with?
Saturday, January 23rd, 2010, will be the date to serve and eat some delicious pie!!!
Hmmmm... now to narrow down which pie I want to make to celebrate that day...
(Photo found here.)
The job of keeping a home is an honorable one. There is a difference between a housekeeper and a homekeeper. A hired housekeeper will keep the home clean and do the duties as expected of her employer, but a homekeeper does the duties in her home from her heart. She does it out of love for her family. She looks upon her duties as the most important job in all the world. It takes a lot of patience, skill, commitment and love to be a keeper of your home. Be faithful; in due time, your familoy will rise up and call you blessed. I am honored to be the keeper of my home.
Mrs. Martha Greene, from Treasury of Vintage Homekeeping Skills